Waste management expert, Zoomlion Ghana limited has displayed its integrated waste management solutions to world leaders at the tenth session of the World Urban Forum organized in Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates (UAE).
The company which has been lauded for its sustainable approach to urban sanitation management in a presentation demonstrated to the world leaders and participants how technologies are being deployed to provide sustainable total waste management solutions.
Engineer Ahmed Issahaku, Head of Laboratory and Research of Sewerage Systems Ghana limited, a subsidiary of Zoomlion Ghana limited who delivered the presentation highlighted the various compost and recycling plants, faecal treatment plants, medical waste treatment facilities, temporal haulage centers for solid waste, provision of technologically enabled waste bins as some of the innovations being deployed in the communities of Ghana by Zoomlion and its subsidiaries to help sustainably manage the increasing rate of waste generation as a result of the rapid urbanization.
He said effective urban sanitation management is critical to public health as the increasing rate of people moving to urban centers demands increased waste management and sanitation infrastructure that meets the unique needs of its people.

A Research Director at Zoomlion Ghana limited, Dr. Kofi Sekyere Boateng
who also spoke as panelist at the forum on the topic “Development of
municipal capacities for urban solid waste management: strengthening the
circular economy and climate protection in cities” indicated that
improper solid waste management has a negative impact on climate change
hence the need to adopt the integrated recycling and compost plants in
communities as being done by Zoomlion in Ghana.
The Secretary General of the UN Habitat, Ms. Maimunah Mohd Sharif in an
address pointed out that, sustainable urbanization should be a reality.
She encouraged countries present to adopt the culture of change which is a critical element in urban development.

‘What worked yesterday may not work today. We must differentiate between
culture of the people and the culture of the nation”, she stated.
The tenth session of the World Urban Forum was themed “Cities of opportunities, connecting culture and innovation”.
The theme was aimed at harnessing potentials for investment
opportunities, learning from best practices, sharing success stories and
innovations in the environment and sanitation space.