A woman who says she was refused a pregnancy test at a pharmacy claims a worker told her it was ‘not an essential item’.
The Mumsnet user was left ‘dumbstruck’ after the pharmacy assistant also said she ‘shouldn’t be trying to conceive’ during the pandemic.
She revealed how the employee confronted her as she waited to enter the store, asking her what she wanted to pick up.
When she told her she wanted a pregnancy test the worker said she could only collect a prescription or medication.
The woman, from the UK, was left in shock and told fellow Mumsnet users that she could have been raped or suffering from contraception problems.

She said: “I popped to the local pharmacy today. There was a sign on the door saying two customers at any one time. So I waited outside.
“A pharmacy assistant came to the door. ‘You have to wait outside you know, you can’t just barge in!’
“I looked at her, a bit confused. ‘Yep I know, that’s why I’m waiting here.’
“She asked me what I wanted. I said a pregnancy test. She took real umbrage to that. ‘That is not an essential item! You can pick up a prescription or medication only.'”
The Mumsnet member said she then pleaded to be allowed to buy a test or to speak to the pharmacist, the Sun reports.
However, the assistant replied ‘I’ve just told you no. You shouldn’t be trying to conceive at a time like this anyway’.
The customer added: “I walked away at that point, came home and ordered one on Amazon to arrive tomorrow.
“I am left dumbstruck by this interaction. I was polite, I stood well back from her, I didn’t raise my voice. But it’s okay to be shouted at now?
“And being told I shouldn’t have a baby? Very bizarre.”
Other Mumsnet users slammed the worker for her behaviour.
One said: “That is ridiculous. For all she knows you could be on medication which would mean that a positive pregnancy test required urgent medical advice.”
The woman did not say where the incident happened.
Pregnancy tests can be bought as essential items at supermarkets and other shops.