Why I regret disregarding my father’s advice – Patience Nyarko discloses


Patience Nyarko, a gospel artiste, has revealed that she regrets not following his father’s suggestion to learn to sew.

Patience Nyarko’s father recommended she learns how to sew after she graduated from Junior High School (JHS). Despite his advice, she took a different course in life, a decision she now regrets.

The gospel singer expressed tremendous regret for not following her father’s instruction to learn to sew, admitting that having such a skill could have helped her generate extra revenue for self-management throughout her life.

Patience Nyarko, however, stated in an interview with Adom TV that she has lost interest in sewing and has no ambition to learn it at this time in her life.

“One thing I regret in my entire life is not listening to my father’s advice to learn sewing. Back then, people didn’t value sewing, so it wasn’t appealing. How I wish I could have sewn my dress in my style, but I didn’t. Right now, I’ve lost interest in earning it. It bothers me that I did not learn to sew since it would have helped me manage myself throughout this economic downturn” she continued.

Patience Nyarko went on to say that her education terminated at JHS. She did not, however, explain why it was discontinued.

Her dream was to become a lawyer.