People who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are indeed the ones who do.
This is exactly what motivated Ghanaian media personality, Gifty Anti, to bless the people of Akwamu Adumasa in the Eastern Region with a two-classroom library.

This was during her official introduction as the wife of their chief, Nana Ansah Kwao IV to the people on March 26, 2016, though they tied the knot on October 15, 2015.
With five years down and forever to go, it is on record the library has become the only monument attached to a school in that district.

As a result of the library, three children from the area participated in the National Spelling Bee competition in January 2017.
Through the unflinching support of friends and loved ones, the library, under the auspices of the Awo Dansoa Reading Project, increased the community’s literacy level from 45% to 85% within a year.

Throughout the worthy journey, the Adumasa Ohene Yere Gifty Anti does not rule out the fact that God has been pivotal in all the successes so far.

“Thank You Lord, for it’s been a tough journey but by your Grace, I am still standing and doing my best to support Nana Ansah Kwao IV in serving his people,” she acknowledged as she reflects on the milestone.
Meanwhile, plans are underway towards the renovation of two classrooms to expand the library facility with doors opens for donations.
This has been necessitated by the overwhelming demand on the existing facility being used by primary and JHS pupils.
A Library time has also been added to the daily class routine of the Adumasa Presby Primary and JHS.
“I am grateful to Lister Hospital and all other persons who have donated towards the course so far. Cash donations can still be sent to MOMO number 0543618182,” she said.