The Ministry of Health (MoH) has assured that the backlog of medical supplies held at the ports will be cleared within the next two weeks.

This assurance follows plans by health-centric Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) to demonstrate for the release of critical Global Fund medicines for diseases such as malaria, tuberculosis, and HIV.

These supplies have been detained at the ports since May 2023.

The government has cited new exemption bill payment processes and additional charges as reasons for the holdup.

However, Dr. Bernard Okoe Boye, the Minister overseeing the sector, has committed to meeting the two-week deadline for clearing the supplies. He made this commitment while speaking with journalists in Accra on Thursday.

“We are committed to getting the containers out and for me personally, irrespective of the bureaucracies involved with government and all that I have given myself two weeks. In two weeks, I myself will not be encouraged if there are two more or one more containers left at the port.

“In fact, and this one you can take it from me. If by two weeks we still have containers at the port, you will not see me, I will be sitting rather at the port. I will sit at the port with them until everything comes out,” he declared.


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