Unique Child School recently achieved a remarkable milestone at the Avishkaar League, a prestigious robotics competition held in India on January 10th and 11th.
The school, supported by Appipa Solutions, won the Best International Run Award, standing out among more than 160 schools from countries such as India, Canada, Uganda, and Zimbabwe.
The Avishkaar League is known for celebrating excellence in robotics and innovation, offering students an opportunity to showcase their skills and creativity.
Unique Child School earned recognition for its commitment to fostering an environment where students can explore new technologies, collaborate as a team, and think outside the box.
This victory is a testament to the collective effort of every student, teacher, and staff member who contributed to the success.
The win underscores the power of teamwork, hard work, and a passion for learning—proof that when these elements come together, no goal is out of reach.
Congratulations to Unique Child School for their outstanding achievement!
May they continue to inspire students around the world, shining brightly as leaders in innovation and learning.