Three children are battling for their lives with their parents dead in a fire outbreak at Adjei Kojo in the Tema West Constituency of the Greater Accra Region.
The children include three boys and one girl with the girl the only surviving one though she was scald.
An electrical fault is suspected to have caused the incident which happened around 2:00 am while they were asleep.
Eyewitnesses and rescuers who confirmed the incident to Adom news said they heard loud screams in the middle of the night.
They rushed to the scene only to discover the house was on fire and without hesitation, rushed to rescue the family of five.
“The place was dark so we had to use torch lights to find them and we managed to rescue the children first before the parents but all of them were in critical condition [when we found them],” one of the rescuers said.

Another was hopeful the parents would have stayed alive but for the delay in medical care.
“We first took them to Tema General hospital then to Ridge but we were told there was no accident unit so we had to go to Korle Bu and it was around 5:00 am when we finally got there,” he narrated.

However, the father passed shortly upon arrival while the wife passed the next day with the children still on admission.