Man of God, Pastor Odemeje is the centre of yet another controversy after a special deliverance he performed on a reverend sister went viral.
Popularly known as Indaboski, the pastor claimed to be uprooting the spirit of fornication in the woman in order to replace it with self-control, as well as heal her from spinal cord problems.
The video captures him on the pulpit with the reverend sister who was laid flat on the floor as he laid on her.

Unconcerned about the junior pastors who gathered around him and the multitudes witnessing the event, the pastor spread the legs of the helpless sister.
Afterward, he whined his waist as though he was in the bedroom, as his translator explained that the move was necessary to “save her for Christ Jesus, and preserve her body which is a representation of the church”.
The congregation watched in wonder as the prophet exercised the supposed deliverance on the woman.
Watch video below: