The People’s Forum: Poor drainage system poses danger at Kasoa Zongo 


Residents of Kasoa Zongo in the Awutu Senya East Municipality of the Central region are appealing for a proper drainage system.

According to the residents, it was a small gutter they could easily walk through to access their homes.

But the Member of Parliament (MP) Mavis Hawa Koomson sent a team to come survey and grade for construction to begin.

However, after over six years, the completion of the drainage is yet to see the light of day.

According to them, it has become a death trap as heavy downpours have eroded portions of the land, creating gullies which has movement difficult.

Aside that, houses close to the gutter gets flooded anytime it rains.

The distraught residents who spoke on People’s Forum, a segment on Adom FM’s morning show, Dwaso Nsem Thursday said several appeals to the Assembly have fallen on deaf ears.

The residents are, thus, appealing to the government to construct the drainage system or they will not participate in the December 7 election.