The Art of Living organization to hold event on peace and happiness


The Art of Living, an international non-religious, non-profit organization will be hosting an event that assists individuals in strengthening their mental health and reducing stress.

Titled Happiness 3.0, the two-hour, thirty minutes event comes off on the 17th of August, 2022 from 6.00 pm – 8.30 pm at the Accra International Conference Center Main Hall.

The founder, Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar will be visiting Ghana on the 16th and 17th of August as part of his 12-day tour of Africa, wherein he will be visiting Ghana, Nigeria, Uganda and Tanzania.   

The public event on the 17th of August promises to be an enlightening conversation on a multitude of concepts, the art of breathing and meditation and the wisdom to live a stress-free and happy life.

In the presence of so much daily noise, these are the tools and techniques to control one’s mental health and develop a sense of clarity and peace that can aid in producing a good quality of life, no matter one’s occupation. 

Since its inception in 1981, The Art of Living has positively changed over 500 million people in 156 countries – a true testament to the power of its cause.

The organization is active in 23 African countries and runs an exceptionally successful peace campaign that celebrates Africa Day. 

Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar has inspired an unstoppable wave of volunteerism and service, which has resulted in one of the largest volunteer-based organizations in the world, incorporating over 30,000 teachers and over a million volunteers.  

Gurudev is a key advocate for peace and has held progressive peace negotiations in conflict-stricken areas such as Colombia, Sri Lanka, Ivory Coast, Iraq, India and Venezuela.

His work speaks through diverse cultures and religions, illuminating concepts such as inter-faith harmony, environmental sustainability and grassroots developments.

He firmly believes that “a violence-free society, disease-free body, quiver-free breath, stress-free mind, inhibition-free intellect, trauma-free memory and sorrow-free soul is the birthright of every human being”. His vision supersedes limitations of race, nationality and religion – with an emphasis on a “One-World Family”.   

One of the flagship programs taught by The Art of Living is the Happiness Program. Researched by Yale University and Harvard Medical School, the program, empowers one with evidence-based tools and techniques to shift challenging emotions and mind states of stress and anxiety to ease, calm and clarity.

The organization has been teaching the program in Ghana for over 15 years and has reached out to thousands in Greater Accra and Kumasi region and has been well received by students and faculty of Academic City University College and Blue Crest College.

The Art of Living 

The Art of Living is a non-religious, non-profit, educational, and humanitarian organization founded in 1981 by the world-renowned humanitarian leader – Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. It currently operates in 156 countries.

Gurudev’s guiding principle, “We cannot attain global peace until we have a stress-free mind and a violence-free society,” serves as the foundation for all of our activities, hence his formation of The Art of Living.

Some activities and programs under The Arts of Living include breathing techniques, meditation, yoga, and practical wisdom for daily living. 

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