It was a day of nostalgia and celebration at Takoradi Technical Institute as Fante Rap God, Kofi Kinaata, returned to his alma mater.

He received a warm reception from teachers and students who were anticipating his visit.

Two years ago, the school expressed pride in Kofi Kinaata’s accomplishments, recounting how he had showcased his musical talent during school entertainment events.

According to the headmaster, Kinaata’s performances and energetic freestyles, always captivated the audience, which earned him admiration from his peers.

As Kofi Kinaata revisited his roots, staff and students gathered in large numbers to honour him for his achievements.

The atmosphere was one of joy and admiration, as everyone present paid homage to the artiste who had once graced their school stages with his musical prowess.

Kofi Kinaata’s visit not only reinforced the bond between him and his alma mater but also served as an inspiration to current students.

He reminded them that dreams pursued with dedication and talent can lead to great success.