A tattoo addict, whose body is covered in ink, has revealed that the only design she regrets is getting her ‘cheating’ ex-boyfriend’s name etched on her bottom after just two weeks of dating.Â
Sarah-Jane Sinclair, 25, is covered from head to foot in tattoos and has nine alone on her face – including phrases such as ‘stand out’ and ‘be original’ – after first getting hooked on them aged 18. Â
Mother-of-one, Miss Sinclair, from Harlow, Essex, said: “The only one I regret getting is my ex’s name on my bum earlier in the year.
“We’d only been together for two weeks but I just thought ‘this guy is amazing’ and I’m very impulsive with tattoos.
“Then two weeks later this girl messaged me on TikTok asking for my number after seeing my videos with the guy in. She phoned me and said he’s been seeing her for months as well.
“He told me not to get the tattoo at the time but I did it anyway – now I know it was obviously because he was with someone else as well. I’ve not got it covered yet but I’m going to.”

Miss Sinclair has had 15 millilitres of filler injected into her face, spread over her lips, nose and chin. She has also used the sunbeds for 15 minutes almost every day for the past year.
Miss Sinclair continued: “As soon as I turned 18 I hit the tattoo shop and I couldn’t tell you how many tattoos I have now. It’s definitely an addiction, once you start you don’t want to stop.
“I’ve got nearly two arm sleeves, half a leg sleeve, a bit on my lower back and stomach, all my chest, neck and fingers, the back of my thighs and obviously my face. I plan on being fully covered but it takes time.
“In public mostly I get stares and online about 75 per cent of what I get is hate – they call me Post Malone, say I’ve ruined myself and ask ‘what are you going to look like when you’re old’?Â

“Someone even said ‘I’ve never seen anyone use a tattoo to get rid of a double chin’ – that got me that one, it’s really personal. But I love my tattoos.”
Among her tattoos are etched the word ‘peace’, a mandala design, a sad angel, a love heart, the word ‘vanity’ in Latin and the quote ‘love is pain’.
Despite negative comments about her ‘job stopper’ face ink and the ‘horrible’ pain of getting them done, Miss Sinclair vows not to stop getting them until she’s run out of body canvas.
“People say it’s ruining your body but I believe your body is a temple and you should decorate it, so I’m decorating myself,” she said.
“I don’t like the pain. Some people enjoy it but I hate getting my tattoos done, it’s so painful but no pain no gain.
“I don’t fit into society but we shouldn’t all be the same – I just like being me and free.
“I feel sorry for people who have to be negative about other people, it probably means they’re sad themselves and live a very boring life.
“Do they want everyone to look the same? Because it would be a boring world if they did.
“[One friend] said to me recently ‘everyone’s got the same look, the same haircut and the same style, but you’re you and you’d never get a replica of you’.”Â