TAGG urges traders to prioritise fire safety amid recent market fires


The Traders Advocacy Group Ghana (TAGG) has urged local businesses and traders to adopt strict fire safety practices following a series of recent fire outbreaks in Zongo Lane and the Kasoa market areas.

These incidents have resulted in significant losses, underscoring the importance of adhering to fire safety measures to protect lives and property.

TAGG in a statement on September 3, emphasized the importance of adhering to fire safety regulations and implementing effective strategies, such as replacing old electrical wiring, ensuring proper installation by professionals, turning off gas stoves and electric irons, and avoiding the use of charcoal stoves in markets.

TAGG also recommended some measures to help traders minimize the risk of fire.

“Regular Inspections: Conduct routine inspections of electrical wiring, heating equipment, and other potential fire hazards. Fire Extinguishers: Ensure that fire extinguishers are readily accessible and employees are trained in their proper use. Emergency Evacuation Plans: Develop and practice emergency evacuation plans to ensure a timely and orderly response in case of a fire. Fire Safety Training: Provide fire safety training to all employees, emphasizing the importance of prevention, detection, and response. Compliance with Regulations: Adhere to all local fire safety regulations and codes” the statement noted.

TAGG remains dedicated to raising fire safety awareness and supporting traders in creating safer market environments.

Read the full statement below:

Source: Adomonline


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