Suhum odwira festival – Your comprehensive news portal Sun, 27 Nov 2022 19:47:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Suhum odwira festival – 32 32 Akuapem Poloo receives queenly welcome by Suhum chief, residents for Odwira festival Sun, 27 Nov 2022 19:47:47 +0000 Actress Akuapem Poloo was recognised as a dignitary from Suhum in the Eastern Region when she paid her hometown a visit for the Odwira festival.

Poloo, who was given a special invite by the Chief of Suhum, Osabarima Ayeh Kofi, was welcomed gracefully by some dancers who led her straight to the bosom of the ruler.

She joined the troupe to perform the traditional Kete dance as she wins the hearts of admirers who gathered at the venue for the occasion.

Akuapem Poloo’s long African print dress and a hijab covering her head earned her praises for her decency.

She posted some photos and videos on her Instagram page amid thanks to the Chief of Suhum for seeing her worthy of recognition.

She also thanked the good people of Suhum for their love and support despite the many controversies surrounding her brand.
