late chief – Your comprehensive news portal Tue, 23 Jan 2024 15:56:59 +0000 en-US hourly 1 late chief – 32 32 Asona clan in Konongo vows to stop planned funeral for late chief Tue, 23 Jan 2024 15:56:56 +0000 The Asona clan of Konongo in the Asante region has vowed to do everything within their power to stop a planned funeral for its royal and late chief, Nana Batafo Acheampong Nti II.

The decision, according to the bereaved family, is due to the lack of respect by some members of the Traditional Council and the Konongo palace.

The family has issued a 24-hour ultimatum, demanding that the Council adhere to traditions and customs.

Addressing a press conference, the Asona clan claimed there is a deliberate attempt to sideline the family from the planning process.

The funeral rites have been set for Wednesday, January 24, 2024, without the family’s knowledge, contrary to customary practice.

They argue that, per the Akan traditions and customs, burials are organised by the family and of the deceased

However, in the case of the late chief, the Traditional Council wants to do the funeral without the family.

Son of the late chief said the family’s hands are tied, as the body of his late father has been moved to a different mortuary, and all attempts to locate it have proven futile.

They are, therefore, demanding that the Council do the right thing concerning the burial of their relative.

The late Nana Kwame Batafo Acheampong Nti II was the chief of Konongo from 1983 to 2022. He was the 18th chief of Konongo.

Following his demise, Nana Dr. Awuah Abedimsa II has been customarily enstooled as his successor.

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