delegate album – Your comprehensive news portal Sat, 20 Jun 2020 10:53:07 +0000 en-US hourly 1 delegate album – 32 32 NPP Primaries: The much anticipated contest underway Sat, 20 Jun 2020 10:35:02 +0000 The New Patriotic Party (NPP) primaries to determine the party’s parliamentary candidates for the 2020 general election is underway.

The primaries are currently taking place in 168 constituencies across the country.

In all, 374 parliamentary candidates have been cleared by the party’s highest decision-making body, the National Executive Committee. The candidates include 51 females and 323 males. 

Sixty-seven (67) parliamentary candidates out of the 106 are to run unopposed.

Five aspiring candidates, prior to the primaries, voluntarily withdrew from the contest and nine were rejected for various reasons.

Already, there have been some issues and agitations among delegates over the omission of names from the delegates’ register meant to be used for the voting exercise.

More soon….stay tuned to to receive constant updates on the NPP primaries.

Parts of Ashanti Region hit with disputes over delegates’ album Sat, 20 Jun 2020 10:33:57 +0000 The New Patriotic Party’s parliamentary primaries currently underway in the Ashanti Region – the party’s stronghold – have been bedeviled with some challenges.

The main challenge has to do with the non-availability or in some cases ‘tampered’ album of delegates meant to vote in the primaries.

The main issue raised by some of the agitated delegates was the omission of the names of some delegates from the album.

Others also asserted that they suspected foul play as the delegates’ album, which was supposed to made ready to delegates at least a week to the voting, was made available just minutes to the commencement of the voting.

Voting areas such as Adansi Asokwa and Asante Afiduase in the Ashanti Region have been reported to have faced such challenges over the delegates’ album.
