Swiftly assent to Affirmative Action bill – ActionAid Ghana to Akufo-Addo


ActionAid Ghana has urged President Akufo-Addo to swiftly sign the Affirmative Action, also known as the Gender and Equity Bill 2024, which has recently been passed by Parliament.

The bill aims to address long-standing gender imbalances in the country, which have resulted from historical discrimination against women and the ongoing influence of patriarchal socio-cultural norms.

It also seeks to ensure gender parity in both public and private sectors.

In a press statement, ActionAid Ghana commended the Parliament for passing the Affirmative Action Bill 2024, stating that its implementation will empower women and girls across all sectors of society, ultimately advancing gender equality and equity.

The organization further urged the President to promptly assent to the bill and ensure that the provisions of the law are fully implemented.

“ActionAid Ghana proudly applauds the Parliament of Ghana for taking steps to pass the Affirmative Action Bill 2024.

With the passage of this important legislation, women and girls will be empowered in every aspect of our society, and gender equality and equity will be achieved.

“We urge the President to assent to the bill expeditiously and ensure that its provisions are translated into concrete actions that can dismantle the systemic barriers impeding women’s progress,” the statement read.

ActionAid Ghana also called on the private sector to adopt and promote gender-inclusive policies in line with the law once it is assented to.

They further appealed to President Akufo-Addo to sign the Criminal Offences (Amendment) Bill, 2022.

According to the organization, this bill is crucial for protecting vulnerable individuals, particularly women, from harmful and often deadly accusations of witchcraft.

Source: AdomOnline


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