St Luke’s Hospital takes delivery of medical supply worth GHS52,000


The St. Luke’s Hospital in Apam has received some medical items worth GHS52,000 to boost its maternal and neo-natal care.

The hospital is currently rebranding to enable it offer quality and accessible healthcare.

Check Rite, a civil society organization has helped lessen the plight of the Neonatal Care Unit with the donation of items.

St. Luke’s Hospital has been grappling with a lot of challenges, and the contributions from organizations like Check Rite play a vital role in helping the hospital overcome these obstacles and provide exceptional care.

Speaking on behalf of Check Rite, Okyeame Kwadwo Abrantie called on other organizations to join hands in supporting healthcare facilities, such as St. Luke’s Hospital, to enhance the delivery of high-quality healthcare services.

Nursing Manager of the Hospital, Theodora Boni Abbey, said the gesture from Check Rite means a lot to the hospital.

The hospital management also appealed for support to enable it manage its facilities because of its closeness to the sea.