Special Prosecutor yet to receive salary 10 months in office


Exclusive documents available to JoyNews indicate that the Special Prosecutor, Kissi Agyebeng and his staff, are yet to receive their salaries, 16 months after assuming office.

According to the said documents, only the Deputy Special Prosecutor has been paid; leaving other staff of the office agitated.

The documents further disclosed that the former Special Prosecutor, Martin Amidu is owed salary arrears.

Reacting to this development, the Special Prosecutor, Kissi Agyebeng, says the situation can potentially derail the fight against corruption, since the unpaid staff are left in a vulnerable state.

He, therefore, wants urgent steps taken to rectify the existing compensation issues within his Office.

Minority Leader, Haruna Iddirisu, also said the development is evidence of President Akufo-Addo’s superficial commitment to the fight against corruption.

Speaking in an exclusive interview with JoyNews, he noted that the failure of government to pay staff of the Office of the Special Prosecutor is an indictment on the whole purpose of establishing the Office.

“Incredibly astonishing. I just can’t believe it”, Haruna Iddrisu said.

The MP continued, “President Nana Addo from day one, has never ever been committed to the fight against corruption. He just set up the bureaucracy for the finesse of it. That I have an Office of the Special Prosecutor to complement the Attorney General in fighting corruption”.

He further quizzed: “In any case, which matter of corruption is before the court?”

Meanwhile, the Finance Minister, Ken Ofori-Atta, is expected to appear before the Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee of Parliament today in a closed session, to explain why the Special Prosecutor and his staff are not receiving salary.