SmartSapp is the newest technological platform providing a high-value educational experience by integrating efficient communication in schools.
Thus parents, teachers and students are integrated in one app to render super-easy educational conditions for parents to be involved with their children’s school life.
With SmartSapp, there is no need to for these parties (parents, teachers and students) to be communicating through emails, WhatsApp, text messages or other school applications etc. – SmartSapp fuses all engagements with parents into a single channel, cutting out lost messages and saving time.
The app apart from its efficiency, also provides safety and security at your fingertips.
Some of the services the app provides includes:
Pickup Persons Management; Quick Drop-off/Pickup; Progressive Academic Reports; Minimize Infection Risk; Zero Traffic on premises; Cashless Fees Collection; Automatic Fee Payments; Reconciliation; Instant Electronic Receipt and Automatic Drop-Off Denial.

It further includes Effective Parent –Teacher; Collaboration platform; Cashless School Bus System; Students Allergy Management; Cashless Canteen System and Seamless Communication among other services that engage these parties for productivity.
One core ability of the SmartSapp app is to alert every parent instantly when their child is dropped off or picked up from your school either by their spouse or someone else doing that on their behalf.
For parents whose children check-in/check-out of school by themselves, it keeps them up to date when their children check in or check out of school. This reassures parents on the security of their children in your school.
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Moreover, SmartSapp provides a secured and safe payment platform that accepts all forms of payment (Visa, MasterCard, any mobile money network etc.) directly to your school bank or mobile money accounts.
With SmartSapp parents can pay directly from their bank account or mobile money account and cut through the cheese of excuses for late payment of fees.
Schools can send instant electronic receipts with every payment to parents. Parents, meanwhile, can easily keep track of all payments and never have to deal with paper receipts.
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Thus they take away the extra work and stress of calling parents to follow up with unpaid fees; rather automate your fee payment follow up process with scheduled instant unpaid balance reminders to parents.
In a nutshell, SmartSapp digitalizes schools to make it easy for parents to be involved with their children’s educational journey such as providing real time assessment in their class and homework on the app.
You don’t have to wait till the end of term/Semester to know how your child is doing in school.
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Receive daily progressive assessment reports from your child’s teacher/school. Start taking steps instantly to help your child in areas that he/she may be falling behind.
Parents also have the chance to simply send an absence or lateness request via SmartSapp to keep both class teacher and school aware of their child’s situation and let them know whether to expect or not to expect them.