Sege feud: Parliamentary Committee meets Electrochem management


The Parliamentary Select Committee on Mines and Energy has engaged the management of salt mining firm, Electrochem Ghana following the feud with Sege residents.

This comes on the back of a directive from the First Deputy Speaker of Parliament, Joseph Osei-Owusu.

The Speaker who doubles as Bekwai Member of Parliament has ordered a probe into the leasehold agreement that authorised Electrochem Ghana to embark on salt mining in Ada.

The committee members have therefore visited the site to enable them obtain the needed information to assist their probe.

Electrochem and Sege residents in the past days were in the news over a renewed feud on November 6, 2023.

A shooting erupted in the process, leading to the death of one person and several others injured.

It is alleged that, the persons who fired the shots were part of a taskforce deployed by Electrochem.

Despite confirming the deployment of a taskforce to prevent people from taking over their concession, the Operations Manager, Nene Odeopeor Siada III, has, however, denied there was any shooting.

The company has therefore said it is awaiting the police to conduct an investigation into the shooting and report its findings accordingly.