Security expert calls for public trust in judicial system to combat crime


Security Intelligence and Conflict Analyst, Anthony Acquaye has appealed to the public to trust in the judicial system and security agencies by reporting criminal activities, even when those involved are close relatives.

Speaking to Adom News, Mr Acquaye emphasized the critical role of community vigilance and cooperation in maintaining public safety.

“For the sake of peace and societal well-being, everyone must report any criminal activities or suspicions, regardless of the perpetrator’s relationship to them,” he asserted.

He stressed the civic duty of individuals to inform the Police if they are aware of or suspect a relative’s involvement in criminal activities.

“Whether it’s your mother, brother, father, or any other relative, if you have knowledge of their involvement in criminal activities or suspect their criminal behaviour, it is your responsibility to report it,” Mr Acquaye urged.

He acknowledged the personal and emotional challenges this might present but highlighted that the long-term benefits far outweigh the immediate difficulties.

“It can be incredibly difficult to report a loved one,” he admitted.

“However, allowing criminal behaviour to go unchecked can create far-reaching problems for both the individual and their family. Reporting these issues not only helps to uphold the law but also contributes to the overall safety and stability of our communities.”

He called on security agencies and the judiciary to enhance transparency to make it easier for the public to report such cases to reduce crime.

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