Revealed: 1 million ‘ghost names’ in Voters Register


The Electoral Commission (EC) has revealed there are over one million ghost names in the current Voters Register.

The campaign for a new electoral roll is to remove the ghosts to ensure a credible, free and fair election in December 2020.

Director of Electoral Services at the EC, Dr Serebour Quaicoe, revealed this on Asempa FM’s Ekosii Sen programme, Thursday while making a case for a new register.

He explained that, the current register does not guarantee “one man, one vote” due to manual verification.

Dr Quaicoe claimed if the current system is used for the elections it will encourage electoral fraud since “all political parties, given the opportunity, would want to cheat the system.”

The EC Director of Electoral Services stressed that they are working to reduce human interference in the system.

“Manual verification can encourage impersonation, denial of peoples’ vote and deceased voting,” he added.

Dr Quaicoe was confident that, given the red light, the new register will be completed on time for the elections.

Source: Adwoa Gyasiwaa Agyeman|

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