Reincarnation is the belief that the soul or spirit, after death, begins a new life in a new body to complete its task on earth.

It is also a traditional African religious belief and a practice among the people of Akyode in the Oti Region.

At Nyambong, a community in Akyode in the Nkwanta South assembly, every year during the yam festival, the initiated elders of the community perform the reincarnation rites for newly born babies to identify the soul that has reincarnated in the child.

Parents who are traditional believers assembled their male and female babies before the ‘Okpujuro’ (chief priests) to cast the spell on them to identify the reincarnated ancestors.

Before the rituals, old women in the community cook the new yam, mash and mix with palm oil.

Mothers of the babies are served with the mashed yam while they wait for the ritual to be performed.

Queen mother for the Akyode Traditional Area, Nana Borfule Okuge speaking on Adom News underscored the performance of the rites.

She said parents who don’t perform the rite for their children always face challenges in life, hence the need for every child born in Akyode to go through the rites.

Nana Borfule expressed worry about how Ghanaians have neglected their cultural heritage for other foreign cultures which she said has affected the social lives of the younger generation.

Also, the chief priest, Odoyewoo noted that, Ghana is suffering because it has sold its heritage for a new religion and that has ushered in practices such as gayism and lesbianism.

According to him, it is a taboo for man and man, woman to woman to marry but with the adoption of a foreign religion and practices, it is being forced on us.

He believed Ghana could be a better place if Ghanaians go back to their roots.

Some of the women who spoke during the event believed that performing the reincarnation rites for their children will open more opportunities for their families.

One of the women claimed her sick son is now hale and hearty after the ritual.

They advised true Akyode indigenes to return to their heritage since it is the only way to open doors for their children.