The Minister for Energy and MP for the Manhyia South constituency, Matthew Opoku Prempeh
The Minister for Energy and MP for the Manhyia South constituency, Matthew Opoku Prempeh

The Minister of Energy, Dr. Matthew Opoku Prempeh, has said the recent power outages experienced in various parts of the country are not due to load-shedding by the Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG).

For months, numerous regions across the country have been facing intermittent power outages, impacting both businesses and households significantly.

In response to questions on the floor of Parliament, Dr. Matthew Opoku Prempeh outlined several reasons behind the erratic power supply.

“The question was asked over two months ago…No, ECG is not undertaking load-shedding as at the time the question was asked. Consumers were experiencing outages due to a number of factors. That included localised outages due to overload online and transformers.

“There are certain areas in this country where all of a sudden, the number of residents and businesses have accumulated, parts of East Legon which was purely residential area have now become a business district, increasing power consumption.

“Thereby hampering the existing lines there, so the transformers and lines had to be updated. Outages to the average capacity of overloaded lines and transformers.

“At the time the questionnaire put the question, CenPower had an emergency which meant a complete shutdown, losing immediately 40 megawatts. That also contributed and the plant maintenance on Amandi power was also ongoing at the same time.

“The emergency outages sometimes requested by GRIDCo have also contributed, so there were myriads of factors that had unfortunately happened, that is causing the power outages in different times. The reason ECG said they were not load-shedding is because most of the incidents were not planned and so they couldn’t have come out with a pre-programme to say they were loading” the Energy Minister explained.


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