Re-run of Ho Technical University SRC elections hit with injunction


The Ho Technical University has suspended the re-run of two of its 2024/2025 Students’ Representative Council (SRC) elections following an injunction from the Ho High Court.

In a letter dated August 28, 2024, and signed by the Registrar, Dr C.K. Amehoe, the university acknowledged being served with the order, restraining it from making any pronouncements, publications, or taking any steps related to the re-run of the two elections.

The injunction was issued after the Executive Committee of the Academic Board declared the elections for the SRC President and Financial Secretary null and void due to a breach of fundamental eligibility criteria.

The committee had earlier directed the Dean of Students to conduct fresh elections for the two positions.

In light of the court’s directive, the Dean of Students’ Affairs and the SRC have been asked to suspend all preparations for the re-run of the elections.



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