One of the major threatening issues in Africa is malnutrition. The sub region over decades has had a challenge in overcoming this dilemma.
With the blend of food crops and plants in the sub region malnutrition should not have been a problem but rather vice versa.
With the quest of solving the menace of malnutrition in children leading to increased child mortality in Africa,
Vera Osei-Bonsu, the Founder and CEO of Start Right Nutrition Limited has been discovered with her innovative ideas in blending food products to produce varieties of food nutrients and supplements.

She is a mother of two beautiful Children (Chantel and Cyrus) and a wife.
She calls herself a ‘mumpreneur’ who has a strong passion for the general well-being of mothers and children.
In a special interview on her work, she said, she believes there are many ideas and opportunities around us that can be transformed into something tangible which will lead to resolving the common challenges militating against our health.
Through her initiative of the establishment of Start Right Nutrition Limited she has been able to launch the 1st infant and toddler Recipe Book for African Children titled “Start Right” which gives mothers a step by step approach to successful weaning.
Her organization also produces locally made cereals for children from the ages of 6month and above which helps children to meet a great portion of their daily nutritional needs in Iron and Proteins.
Vera Osei-Bonsu, does not only attend to only issues pertaining to nutrition, but through her vociferous activities with her followers she also sees to supporting the less privileged.
One of her remarkable donation was to the Adenta Frafraha maternity ward where she donated various kinds of hospital equipment to the maternity ward to decrease maternal mortality.
With the support of her followers she also donates to the less privileged in Society to put a smile on their faces.
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She was selected in 2019 to represent Ghana at the African Green Revolution Forum(Agrf) with other key stakeholders worldwide to advocate for healthy child Nutrition policies in Africa.
She was also awarded as Most Inspiring Woman In Food and Nutrition in 2019 during an award organised under the auspices of AfricMedia Galaxy in partnership with Women In Aviation–Ghana Chapter, which was to honour women who have distinguished themselves in their various fields of endeavour.

Vera pointed out that her dream is that every mother will have a sustainable and healthy way of feeding their children in Ghana and Africa.When this intervention is done very well, she believes the rate of malnutrition in Ghana and Africa will reduce drastically.
She also has a sole mission of raising the standards of children’s diets and a dream of becoming a regular media commentator on food related issues, and undertake regular consultancy work for major Hospitals in Ghana and Africa.
She further explained that with the right nutrition, child mortality and frequent medical threatening conditions will become extinct in Ghana and Africa. Follow and Contact Start Right Nutrition Limited to get Healthy Recipes and Products for your children and family.
Phone :0550352976,0246148713,0577438825
Instagram: @startrightinfantnutrition×588