clinical Psychologist Dr. Seth Joejoe Ninkarb

A clinical Psychologist, Dr. Seth Joejoe Ninkarb has emphasized the need for people to adopt the virtue of patience.

According to him, the lack of patience has landed a lot of people in unpleasant and regrettable situations.

Dr Ninkarb was reacting to the stabbing incident involving two lovers which has resulted in the death of one at Kasoa Adam Nana.

The girlfriend now deceased according to reports angrily stormed her lover’s home and slashed his neck over an alleged cheating.

Speaking to Adom News, the psychologist said that a minute of communication could have averted this tragic incident.

“People should not be quick to act based on hearsay. The first thing you should do is to stop whatever you are doing and take a deep breath. A lot of people have ended up in prison just because they refused to think for a second before acting,” he admonished.

Dr Ninkarb further encouraged people to take time and investigate what they hear before taking action.