Prof. Kanton urges gov’t to build larger dam at Kubore to control Bagre Dam spillages


A Research Scientist at the Savannah Agricultural Research Institute (SARI), Professor Roger Kanton, has urged the government to prioritize constructing a larger dam at Kubore in the North East region.

The proposed dam would be designed to store the water that is annually spilt from the Bagre Dam in Burkina Faso, which currently causes significant destruction downstream.

Speaking on Accra based Citi FM, Prof. Kanton stressed that building a dam along the Kubore River would ensure a reliable water supply to numerous communities in the Northeast and Upper East regions during the dry season.

He suggested that, stakeholders consider adopting Israel’s water storage model, which has enabled the country to export high-quality vegetables despite limited rainfall.

“Israel doesn’t have enough rainfall, yet they export the best vegetables to Europe and other countries because they store water in aquifers for farming. I don’t understand why we allow Burkina Faso to spill all this water, causing destruction, instead of harnessing it,” he remarked.

Prof. Kanton further proposed that, in addition to the multipurpose dam at Pwalugu, a larger dam at Kubore would greatly benefit not only the Upper East region but the entire country by enhancing water resource management.

Addressing concerns about the costs associated with irrigation schemes, which the Ghana Irrigation Development Authority estimates at around $40,000 per hectare, Prof. Kanton dismissed these concerns, pointing out that the government frequently spends far more on less critical projects.

“The money spent on frivolous things makes $40,000 for irrigation seem like chicken feed, as Kennedy Agyapong would say,” he added.

Source: Adomonline