PR Boys, a marketing communications and events organisation, has donated sanitary pads to school girls at Otabikrom in the Asikuma Ododen Brakwa District of the Central Region.
The initiative dubbed ‘Let’s Pad Them’ is a project that seeks to provide sanitary kits for 5,000 girls in five years.

The beneficiaries were girls at Otabikrom D/A Primary and Junior High School and Adumanu D/A Basic School in commermoration of the 2021 World Menstrual Hygiene Day.
The chief of the town, Nana Asare Bediako II, expressing his gratitude to the group, said: “I thank PR Boys for your kind gesture and also urge you, students, to use the pads you have been given for the purpose for which you have been given.”

The project lead, Kofi Atiemo, during the donation appealed to the general public and corporate Ghana to support the course.

The initiative is to ensure school going girls have access to affordable, organic, biodegradable and hygienic sanitary products to continue to attend school during menstruation.