Politicization of security agencies cause of impunity, and instant justice – Conflict expert



An Expert in International Conflict Management at the University of Cape Coast, Dr. Kingsley Adjei has blamed the increasing impunity and mob actions on politicization of security agencies in the country.

According to him, such impunity among the citizens is because the security agencies favour only officials of a ruling government and its political activists in our society.

“The politicization of our security agencies especially the Ghana Police Administration is the cause of such actions which needs to be curtailed” Dr. Adjei stressed.

Dr. Adjei, who is also a Senior Political Science Lecturer at University of Cape Coast was speaking Wednesday on Adom FM’s Burning Issues Programme hosted by Afia Pokua.

His comment follows the gruesome murder of the late Captain Maxwell Mahama who is with the 5 Battalion Infantry was reportedly lynched while he went jogging at dawn on Monday at Denkyira-Obuasi in the Central region.

Dr. Adjei, also cited the recent attack by a pro-NPP group Delta Force who attacked a court in Kumasi and the attacked on the Eastern regional office of the Electricity Company of Ghana which was attacked by residents of Yilo Krobo Municipal capital, Somanya over ‘outrageous’ utility bills and vandalised the charge office and burnt down the only police patrol vehicle serving the whole district.

But responding to such issues, the expert in International Conflict Management said officials of the police administration condone impunity of it party officials because they are afraid to loss it job as a result of the increasing.

Dr. Adjei said the police administration must execute its constitutional mandate devoid of politics to reduce the impunity in our society.





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