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Two individuals suspected to be involved in a robbery attack at a stone quarry have been apprehended by the Central East Regional Police Command.

The robbery occurred at the Pilot Stone Quarry site at Gomoa Ojobi, where a gang of six assailants raided the premises on Wednesday, 2nd August, 2023.

During the robbery, the company was looted of GHC 200,000.00, and a laptop was stolen.

In addition, the criminals targeted the staff and food vendors, seizing their mobile phones amidst the chaos of gunshots and violence directed at some Chinese Nationals present at the site.

The swift response from the Central East Regional Police Command came after receiving a distress call.

They immediately mounted a barrier on the Winneba-Kasoa stretch, which led to the successful arrest of the two suspects.

Upon searching the suspects’ vehicle, law enforcement officers recovered the stolen laptop, several mobile phones, and the exact amount of money that had been taken from the quarry company.

This arrest marks a significant step forward in the investigation, as the authorities continue to pursue the remaining members of the gang responsible for the heinous robbery and violence at the stone quarry.

The Police Command has assured the public that they will leave no stone unturned in their efforts to bring all the culprits to justice.