People of Adamorobe picket at Roads Ministry over poor roads


The chiefs and residents of Adamorobe in the Akwapem South Municipality of the Eastern Region, have staged a protest at the Ministry of Roads and Highways, calling for urgent repairs to the 10-kilometer road connecting their community to Aburi.

After multiple unsuccessful attempts to get local authorities to address the deteriorating road conditions, the people of Adamorobe took their grievances to Accra, submitting a petition to the Roads Ministry in hopes of prompt action.

Dr. Raymond Takyi, an opinion leader in Adamorobe, told Citi News that the state of the road could significantly impact voting decisions in the upcoming December elections.

“We have taken all the necessary steps. Even if this seems politically motivated, why do we vote? Why do we elect leaders? Leaders are meant to solve problems. If you’re in a position and not solving problems, what’s the point? This is the challenge in Ghana—we put incompetent people in leadership roles. But truthfully, this is not politically motivated,” he explained.

Source: Adomonline