Para-athletes scandal: Paralympic Committee blames Norwegian Embassy


The National Paralympic Committee of Ghana (NPC-Ghana) is blaming the Norwegian Embassy for the conduct of supposed Ghanaian para-athlete claiming to be part of the Ghana Paralympic Team.

NPC-Ghana said the Embassy did not thoroughly verify the authenticity of the application before approving and issuing visas to the alleged team currently on the run.

In a statement, it clarified that, the team in question is not affiliated with them and does not represent the official Ghana Paralympic Team.

The Committee said they had not made any application to the Norwegian Embassy for travel facilitation or sponsorship for any team to compete in Norway.

NPC-Ghana added that, they had no prior knowledge of the purported trip or competition and did not endorse it as part of preparations for the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games.

This notwithstanding, the Committee said it is ready to the security agencies in its investigations and reaffirmed its commitment to honest and transparent para-sports development.

NPC-Ghana assured the public that all individuals involved in this illicit act will be identified and subjected to the full rigours of the law.

Find attached press statement:

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