Our exam system appears to be a lazy way of identifying talents – TVET expert


A Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) expert, Dr George Mawusi Afeti, has criticised the current examination system in the country.

He describes the current system as a “lazy man’s way of identifying talents”.

He argues that the focus on exams, which he refers to as the “tyranny of examination,” fails to truly assess students’ knowledge and skills.

“Without any prejudice to the West Africa Examination Council, I want to say that we have in this country is what I call the tyranny of examination because if you are a learner and you don’t pass examinations, you are good for nothing. But then, it is important to understand that examination appears to be a lazy man’s way of identifying talents,” he said.

Dr Afeti made these remarks while contributing to a discussion at the BPI Annual Public Lecture, themed “Reflections on the State of Education in Ghana: Diagnosis and the Way Forward.”

Dr Afeti called for a shift towards assessment methods that better identify and nurture talents rather than relying on traditional, theory-based exams, which he believes encourage a “chew and pour” mentality among students.

He emphasized the need for a new approach to student assessment that goes beyond the ease of exams, which he sees as merely a convenient method for advancing students through the educational system.

Source: Myjoyonline


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