The Asukawkaw steel bridge at Asukawkaw, located in the Krachi East Municipality of the Oti Region, is facing an imminent danger due to its gradual collapse and slippery surface.
Constructed over 30 years ago, the bridge has never undergone any significant maintenance, resulting in numerous accidents and loss of life and property.
During a visit to the area, Adom News’ Obrempongba Owusu discovered that the bolts and nuts of the bridge, which is over three decades old, have weakened, making the structure unstable.
Additionally, the top surface of the bridge’s metal plates had become slippery, posing a serious threat to motorists and other users.
The paramount chief of Akroso-Asukwakwa, Nana Odami Gyamfi II, expressed his concern over the deteriorating condition of the bridge.

He highlighted the bridge’s slipperiness, which causes vehicles to flip over when brakes are applied. Nana Odami Gyamfi II lamented that between January and June of this year alone, over 10 people have lost their lives, and 25 others have sustained injuries in five separate accidents on the bridge.
Nana Odami Gyamfi II emphasised the urgent need for attention from the Ghana Highways Authority to ensure the safety of motorists who travel along the Krachi East Municipality route.
Mark Oduro, the assembly member for the area, and some drivers also voiced their concerns about the bridge’s hazardous nature.
They pointed out that the absence of road signs allows drivers to speed across the slippery steel bridge, particularly during rainfall, leading to series of accidents.
Mark Oduro, along with the drivers, appealed to the Ghana Highway Authority, the Oti Regional Minister, and other relevant stakeholders to promptly renovate the bridge.
The municipal NADMO director for Krachi East, Dasievor Jacob, acknowledged the bridge’s deteriorating condition and urged the Ghana Highway Authority to address the issue urgently, as commuters have consistently expressed their concerns about the need for repair works.