Osenase residents call for rehabilitation of death trap bridge


Residents of Akyem Osenase in the Lower West Akim Municipality of the Eastern Region are urgently appealing to the local assembly to rehabilitate two bridges that have become dangerous to cross.

The residents believe that the assembly can use government road construction equipment provided under the District Road Improvement Programme (DRIP) to repair the bridges and improve the bad roads in the area, which are essential for the region’s economic activities.

The condition of the bridges has raised significant concerns among residents, who fear that they pose a serious threat to their safety.

These bridges are vital links within the community, connecting residents to their homes and markets.

Due to their deteriorated state, they have been labeled as death traps that need immediate attention.

The call for action comes after the Regent Chief of the area, Nana Boakye Asafo-Adjei, took the initiative to reshape all the roads in the community.

This reshaping exercise has notably improved the road network, making transportation easier and boosting access to markets for farmers, which in turn has enhanced agricultural productivity in the area.

Residents appreciate the chief’s efforts and are now urging both local citizens and those living abroad to support Nana Boakye Asafo-Adjei in his quest to further develop the community.

They believe that with collective effort, they can ensure that their infrastructure needs are met and that the community continues to thrive.

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