Osama Bin Laden’s niece has said Donald Trump is the only president who can prevent another 9/11 attack on America.
Noor Bin Ladin, who is an avid Trump supporter despite living in Switzerland – said she has backed the president since he announced his bid for the White House in 2015.
“I have been a supporter of President Trump since he announced he was running in the early days in 2015. I have watched from afar and I admire this man’s resolve,” she told the New York Post in her first ever interview.
“He must be reelected … It’s vital for the future of not only America, but western civilization as a whole.”
“ISIS proliferated under the Obama/Biden administration, leading to them coming to Europe,” the 33-year-old, who occasionally wears a Trump onesie to bed, continued.
“Trump has shown he protects America and us by extension from foreign threats by obliterating terrorists at the root and before they get a chance to strike.”

“[Radical Islam] has completely infiltrated our society,” bin Ladin continued.
“In the US it’s very worrying that the left has aligned itself completely with the people who share that ideology.”
In April, documents resurfaced that showed bin Laden wanted to assassinate President Barack Obama so “totally unprepared” Joe Biden would be president.
The papers, seized during the raid on bin Laden’s Pakistan compound in 2011, were declassified in 2012 but have been republished in the run up to the 2020 presidential election.
“The reason for concentrating on them is that Obama is the head of infidelity and killing him automatically will make [Vice President] Biden take over the presidency,” bin Laden wrote to a top deputy.
“Biden is totally unprepared for that post, which will lead the US into a crisis.
“As for Petraeus, he is the man of the hour…and killing him would alter the war’s path [in Afghanistan].”

The documents were republished by The Daily Wire, a right-wing news organization headed up by Ben Shapiro.
An instagram account seemingly belonging to Noor Bin Ladin regularly posts images with the hashtag #QAnon.
The #QAnon group’s origins lie in the Pizzagate conspiracy, which became mainstream in December 2016 when a man charged into a Washington DC pizza parlour demanded to see a basement that did not exist.
The man, Edgar M.Welch, believed the restaurant was being used as a front to hide an underground child sex trafficking ring.
QAnon believes Trump is waging a secret battle against this alleged paedophile group.
Supporters of the entirely unfounded theory believe that this ring is filled with celebrities and political elites, who have been covertly running the United States government for decades.
In June 2018, an armed QAnon follower blocked traffic at the Hoover Dam, demanding the president release a report allegedly tying past presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton to the alleged sex ring.
The protester, Matthew Wright, pleaded guilty to terrorism charges in February 2020.