Oliver Barker-Vormawor ‘retires’ from FixTheCountry, #OccupyJulorbiHouse Movements


Prominent activist and leader of the #FixTheCountry and #OccupyJulorbiHouse Movements, Oliver Barker-Vormawor has announced his retirement dedicating three years of his life to it.

In a tweet, Barker-Vormawor shared the personal sacrifices and challenges he faced as leader of these Movements.

“Over the past three years, I’ve dedicated a significant part of my life to mobilising and supporting the #FixTheCountry and now #OccupyJulorbiHouse movements,” he revealed in his tweet, underscoring his deep commitment to these social causes.

The activist detailed the hardships he endured including the seizure of his passport and imposition of a travel ban to facing a treason trial, experiencing five arrests, and spending time in jail on three separate occasions.

He said it has had a negative impact on his academic pursuits, with his PhD program at Cambridge put on hold.

Mr. Barker-Vormawor revealed that, he also lost his adjunct teaching role at the university.

He highlighted the effect his activism has had on his mental health due to cyberbullying, surveillance of his home and being separated from his family.

“I’ve been separated from family, spent my life savings to support the movement financially and logistically. I believe I’ve served my country all too well,” he reflected on the sacrifices made for the sake of social justice.

Looking ahead, Barker-Vormawor hoped new energetic people will take over and put government on its toes.

“My hope immediately is that FixTheCountry will be soon organized by a new group of people unconnected to us. This has to be the beginning of a transition phase. The dream is for a new politics. Where empathy leads and social justice is routine must endure” he added.

Below is his Tweet