The outgoing Member of Parliament for Ledzokuku and Deputy Health Minister, Dr. Bernard Oko Boye has embarked on a thank-you tour in his constituency to appreciate the support given him as MP in the last four years.
Dr. Oko Boye, on Boxing Day, December 26th 2020, interacted with market women, taxi drivers among others.
Dr. Oko Boye who was defeated in the December 7th election says he was overwhelmed at the support shown him during his tenure as MP for the area.

“I spent boxing day interacting with my constituents, from taxi drivers to traders and kids as well. Took the opportunity to thank them for their support and appreciated all for endorsing four more years of this government.”
He added that “I showed gratitude as well for the cooperation experienced in the past four years.

When The Battle is the Lord’s, the outcome is Victory whether it goes Left or Right; For only He, knows the end from the beginning. Season’s blessings I wish you”.
The National Democratic Congress’ (NDC) Benjamin Ayiku Narteh won the constituency with a total of 55,938 votes to snatch the seat from Dr. Okoe Boye who garnered 54,072 votes in the constituency.

With the exception of the late Nii Adjei Boye Sekan, all MPs in the constituency have enjoyed one term in office under the fourth republic.