Nurse’s post over death of 10yr old boy sparks social media outrage


A mean-spirited post about the death of a 10-year-old boy at the Tema General Hospital, by a supposed nurse, has sparked outrage on social media.

The male nurse who is identified on social media platforms as Wilson Etor Dhiggy, sought to defend a nurse at the Tema General Hospital over alleged professional negligence.

The Tema General hospital nurse has been accused by the mother of the 10-year-old boy of failing to respond promptly to her distress calls moments before her son passed away.

The news has triggered discussions over the quality of healthcare and the professionalism of caregivers. But taking to social media to vent his frustration over public backlash, the male nurse Etor Dhiggy suggested the nurse should not be accused of negligence.

“Nurses are NOT God and the fact that ur son is in pain doesn’t mean the nurse should not take his or rest. I’m sure those nurses did all they could. And the fact that u are in the hospital doesn’t mean u MUST recover. This nonsense of negligence must stop or take care of ur sick people at home,” the post read.

the post read.

Comments on his thread were full of outrage with some calling for immediate sanctions to be meted out to him.

The post drew hordes of attacks on the nurse who has since apologised.

“Hi. Ghana. Its has come to my notice that my HARSH comments didn’t go down well. I want to take this time to apologize to the entire public for my unprofessional comments and conduct. It won’t happen again. No harm intended just went too emotional.”

Wilson Etor Dhiggy


The Tema General Hospital has begun investigations into the circumstances under which a ten-year-old boy allegedly died from complications of resulting from a drug overdose administered to him at the hospital.

The deceased visited the hospital with his mum after he got injured playing football.

According to his mother, Mabel Senahey, the doctor prescribed 50mg of the drug to be given to her son, but the pharmacist changed it to 75mg.

She told Joy News’ Maxwell Agbagba Wednesday when she notified the doctor about the discrepancy, the doctor directed her to go ahead and administer the drug.

Shortly after her son took the medicine, he started complaining of heart burns and stomach pains which forced the mother to bring the boy back to the hospital.

According to her, her repeated attempts to get the nurses on duty to call in any of the doctors to attend to her son proved futile.

The boy squirmed and yelled in pain but the nurses were not to be bothered, Mabel Senahey alleged.

Her son passed away before the doctor came to attend to him but it was too late. The family is now accusing the hospital of criminal negligence and wants justice.