Adjetey "Pusher" Anang

Ghanaian actor Adjetey Anang has revealed his discerning approach towards selecting movie roles, stating his firm opposition to roles involving nudity, graphic content, or intimate scenes, irrespective of the financial incentives.

In a recent interview on TV3, Anang emphasized that his decisions are driven by personal values and principles rather than monetary gains.

“There are characters that I may not play. Somebody else would play it… Nudity, nude scenes, and very graphic, intimate scenes. That’s the thing. It’s not about the money. As an actor, I believe it’s essential to stay true to myself and my values. I can’t compromise on certain aspects of my craft, and I’m willing to miss out on opportunities rather than sacrifice my principles,” he asserted.

Anang also addressed the societal perception of actors, pointing out that many Ghanaians struggle to differentiate between the characters portrayed by actors and their real-life personalities.

“And that’s how serious people take it. They can’t draw a line between the craft and the artiste,” he noted.

Through his commitment to his values, Adjetey Anang continues to uphold a standard of integrity within his acting career, setting an example for others in the industry.