Fifi Fiavi Kwetey General Secretary National Democratic Congress (NDC
Fifi Fiavi Kwetey General Secretary National Democratic Congress (NDC

The National Democratic Congress (NDC) has strongly criticized the New Patriotic Party (NPP), alleging that it has significantly undermined Ghana’s potential since its independence on March 6, 1957.

In a statement commemorating Republic Day on July 1, the NDC General Secretary Fifi Kwetey expressed that the current NPP administration has failed to foster development and has worsened the economic situation.

The NDC accused the current leadership of lacking credibility and patriotism, leaving the country in disarray.

“On July 1, 1960, Ghana became an independent republic, with Osagyefo Kwame Nkrumah as its first president. This historic day marked the beginning of Ghana’s journey as a beacon of progress and a shining star of Africa. Today, however, the promise of those early years has been overshadowed by the failures of the current NPP administration.
A leadership lacking credibility and patriotism.

“An economy in disarray, youth unemployment at an all- time high, the quality of our education and healthcare systems in fast deterioration. Citizens are burdened with excessive taxes, businesses struggling to survive and hope and dignity of our people at their lowest ebb.”

The statement urged Ghanaians to place their trust in NDC’s candidate, John Dramani Mahama, to rectify the NPP’s shortcomings.

They also expressed concerns over attempts by the NPP to undermine the electoral process and called for vigilance from the public to ensure a fair and transparent election.

“We are aware of the NPP’s desperation to cling to power and their palpable attempts to subvert the will of the people. Therefore, we need you to be vigilant and report any suspicious deeds. The NDC is committed to partnering with you to ensure a fair and transparent election process.

“Let us unite behind the NDC and wage a successful 2024 election campaign to bring about the change we seek. H.E. John Mahama is the leader Ghana needs. His vision for a prosperous, inclusive Ghana, combined with his unparalleled experience, makes him the ideal candidate. Under his previous tenure, he achieved significant improvements in infrastructure, healthcare, and education. His administration was marked by transparency and accountability, demonstrating a genuine concern for the people. H.E. John Mahama embodies integrity, credibility, and a commitment to public service – essential qualities to restore hope and drive meaningful change in Ghana,” the statement said.

Below is the statement