‘Noisy’ Asiedu Nketia, Koku Anyidoho to blame for NDC confusion


Some ‘noisy persons’ within the National Democratic Congress (NDC) are to blame for the creeping confusion into the party, a Member of Parliament has said.
These noisy politicians whose utterances are causing confusion within the party, Effiduase-Asokore MP, Nana Yaw Ayew Afriyie listed include the General Secretary of the party and his deputy.
The latest to join the noisy craps within the ranks and file of the party causing confusion for the opposition political party, he said is former Deputy Chief of Staff, Valerie Sawyerr.
“The noisy ones within the NDC whose utterances have not been checked are the ones causing trouble in the party…Valerie Sawyerr, Asiedu Nketia and Koku Anyidoho are all noisy people in the NDC causing confusion in the party…,” he claimed on Adom FM’s Morning Show, ‘Dwaso Nsem’ Wednesday.
The simmering fire within the NDC was recently stoked by the former Deputy Chief of Staff when she penned a ‘love letter’ which slammed the founder of the party, Jerry John Rawlings of working hard to ‘send the party into opposition’.
“They say he booms … I say he buzzes … like an agitated mosquito … looking for his next victim. Again, he heads for other Heads of State … describing their governance as riddled with corruption. Is he trying to say that his reign was unblemished or that his twin brother’s (President Akufo-Addo) reign is unsullied? Really? Who born dog … in fact … who born monkey?
“JJ oooo JJ … the great Papa JJ … the one and only Junior Jesus … the great saint who never does wrong … you are still flogging a dead horse … the NDC is in Opposition in case you have not noticed, while a living raging bull is moving around with reckless abandon destroying everything it finds in its path including the assets and citizens of this nation…,” she wrote in her epistle.
Former Attorney General and Minister of Justice, Martin Amidu was also not spared in her write up as she accused him and President Rawlings of being on a mission to destroy the NDC.
“…And what is Comrade Martin Amidu also babbling about? Martin, did I not tell you that your pomposity, over-bloated ego and sense of self-importance constitute your Achilles heel? Remember, when I told you (years ago) after a presidential press conference, that a directive had been issued that no appointee should grant a press interview in order to avoid any contradictory statements on air … and you screeched … ‘who are you … small girl like you … where were you when I was Attorney General’ etc etc? Remember I told you that it is your Achilles heel that would destroy you?
“Barely a week or so after that, you were relieved of your post as Attorney-General after attempting to assault a sitting Head of State? Since then you have become a so-called crusader, sinking lower and lower in the NDC as you seem to rise higher and higher in the NPP. I am not a soothsayer, neither am I a harbinger of gloom and doom … but once again I say to you … this time with a nation full of witnesses … that your Achilles heel will destroy you!
“Respectfully Martin, cut the crap! You have achieved your aim … the NDC is in opposition. I challenge you to resign from the NDC since you no longer promote the cause of the NDC. Or do you also subscribe to the agenda to destroy to take over? The agenda that is based on the premise that it is easier to take over the NDC when it is in Opposition!,” she wrote concerning the former Minister.
Not enthused by the contents of the epistle, Marin Amidu has responded in kind accusing Valerie Sawyerr of writing a ‘lying, incoherent, disjointed and drunken-like diatribes against former President Rawlings and me.’
“Clearly the John Mahama faction, their surrogates like Valerie Sawyerr and the petitioners who admit to being failed parliamentary candidates at the last elections and others mentors within the NDC think they can frighten core NDC members like myself with threats of disciplinary action. I will rather defend the 1992 Constitution than be intimidated by John Mahama, Woyome, and their surrogates’ unconstitutional petitions,” he wrote.
The blame for the infighting within the NDC, the MP said must be solely laid at the doorsteps of Asiedu Nketia, Koku Anyidoho et al whose ‘unchecked’ comments have boldened the likes of Valerie Sawyerr to attack Rawlings and Martin Amidu.
“Their reckless comments are the source of the confusion and infighting, the noisy ones must be checked and brought to order for peace to prevail within the NDC…,” he said.