Benard Anim Piesie
Benard Anim Piesie

A communication team member of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) Bernard Anim Piesie was involved in a near-fatal accident on the Aburi-Accra road.

According to him, the incident occurred last Friday while coming to Accra for a political talk show discussion.

Narrating the experience on Adom FM’s morning show, Dwaso Nsem Thursday Piesie Anim said the driver was speeding throughout the journey.

Unfortunately, while they were approaching Ayi Mensah, the driver who is epileptic had a seizure and lost control of the vehicle.

However, a male passenger who sat by the driver displayed an act of boldness and held unto the steer to prevent any tragedy.

“God being so good, the tyre burst and we crashed into a concrete wall in the middle of the road,” he said.

Anim Piesie on the back of this has called on the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Authority(DVLA) to consider a general medical examination before issuing licenses.

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