NDC stalwart equips Volta secretariat ahead of 2024 elections


A member of the UK-Ireland National Democratic Congress (NDC) chapter and the Volta Finance Committee, has equipped the Volta Regional secretariat to enhance administrative work.

Prosper Lincoln Kabotsyoe handed over 5 laptops, a projector, and a printer to the secretariat through the NDC Director of International Relations, Alex Segbefia.

Mr Segbefia indicated that the donation was in response to a request by the executives, who underscored the imperative need for the items.

He expressed optimism the logistics would augment the administration of the party’s affairs and help in the effective coordination of campaign and other election-related activities.

He also introduced the donor and described him as a hardworking son of the land and an astute contributor to the growth of the NDC, “who is willing to assist the party to win the 2024 general elections.”

The Volta Regional Chairman, Mawutor Agbavitor expressed profound gratitude for the kind gesture and promised to put the items to good use.

He further appreciated the commitment of Mr Kabotsyoe to the party and used the opportunity to extend an appeal to other party members to support operations of the NDC.

NDC Regional executives, a former Deputy Minority Leader, James Klutse Avedzi, former Deputy Volta Regional Minister, Francis Komla Ganyaglo, former Volta Regional Minister, Joseph Amenorwode, former Minister for Roads and Highway, Wisdom Joe Gidisu, and a former MP, Dan Agbodakpui participated in the short donation ceremony.