NDC makes fresh demands over voters register


The National Democratic Congress (NDC) has called on the Electoral Commission (EC) to re-exhibit the 2024 voters register for five days.

Additionally, the party is insisting on its call for an independent forensic audit of the 2024 provisional voters register (PVR).

The demands according to the NDC will help ensure accuracy, integrity and also correct numerous anomalies uncovered in the just-ended voter exhibition exercise.

The Director of Elections and IT, Dr. Edward Omane Boamah made the call during an Inter-Party Advisory Committee (IPAC) meeting on Friday.

Highlighting their concerns, Dr Boamah made a comparative analysis of the 2023 voters register and the provisional 2024 register, revealing widespread errors.

“In this meeting, we seek to share with you our observations so far, from comparing voters in the 2023 register with the 2024 provisional register,” he stated.

He emphasised the NDC seeks to elicit honest answers about the root causes of the unprecedented anomalies observed during the exhibition.

In view of this, they have requested that the forensic audit must be on the 2020, 2023, and 2024 voters registers to identify the source of the issues.

“The reason for widening the scope to include pre-2024 registers is anchored in the possibility that some of the anomalies could be traced to the parent document in 2020.”

“Given the EC’s admission of mistakes and errors, an independent forensic audit of the voter register to ensure transparency and confer credibility will restore trust in the EC.

“The forensic audit is also necessary because the Electoral Commission’s own internal directives to regional and district officers which we frequently intercept without fail points to the fact that there is massive discordance between data at the headquarters and data on the field,” he stated.

Dr. Omane Boamah added that, if a forensic audit could be avoided, they would have preferred that option but giving the situation on the ground, it is non-negotiable.

Source: Adomonline.com


Read the full statement below:


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