The National Democratic Congress (NDC) has strongly criticized the Ghana Armed Forces (GAF) for what they perceive as a lackluster response to a viral video that allegedly incites illegal miners to attack soldiers.

The video, which features Mr. Ernest Frimpong, the Parliamentary Candidate for the New Patriotic Party (NPP) in the Amenfi East Constituency, has sparked outrage for its content, where Frimpong reportedly encourages miners to retaliate against military personnel found at their mining sites.

According to the NDC, Mr. Frimpong in the video claims that the government has suspended all anti-galamsey operations, including Operation GalamStop, Operation Vanguard, and Operation Halt I & II, thus giving miners a “green light” to continue their activities without interference from law enforcement.

Furthermore, he allegedly promises to set up a WhatsApp platform involving local officials to alert miners of any impending patrols by soldiers or police.

The controversy intensified following a recent attack on a soldier at Wassa Akyempim, occurring just 72 hours after the video surfaced.

This incident prompted a release from the GAF on June 10, 2024, but the NDC argues that the response was inadequate.

The GAF’s statement, signed by Brigadier General E. Aggrey-Quashie, Director General of Public Relations, was criticized for its failure to directly address or condemn the actions and comments of Mr. Frimpong.

In their statement, the NDC expressed disappointment in the GAF’s reluctance to directly call out Frimpong by name, accusing the military of being influenced by political considerations.

They argue that the GAF’s approach could undermine public respect for the military and may lead to further conflicts between civilians and soldiers.

The NDC’s statement spoke on the need for the GAF to act decisively and transparently. They urge the military to lodge an official report with the police against Mr. Frimpong and to take a firm stance against incitements to violence.

The NDC warns that failure to address these issues might escalate tensions and contribute to more attacks on military personnel.

Highlighting past incidents where soldiers have been harmed in civilian confrontations, the NDC stressed the importance of maintaining the military’s integrity and discipline.

They cited the tragic deaths of Major Mahama, Private Imoro Sherrif, and Lance Corporal Michael Danso as examples of the dangers faced by soldiers in such conflicts.

In their closing remarks, the NDC declared their intention to file an official complaint with the Criminal Investigations Department (CID) of the Ghana Police Service to ensure that those responsible for the incitement and subsequent attack are held accountable.

They called on the GAF to uphold their duty to protect their personnel and to act impartially in the face of political pressures.

The party’s statement also calls on the public to support the military in upholding law and order while urging the GAF to enforce discipline and justice within their ranks.