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The National Democratic Congress( NDC) Communication Officer for Awutu Senya West Constituency, Kadevi Selasy has reportedly been found dead at Nkwadum, a suburb of Awutu Bontrase in the Central Region.

Accra-based Kasapa News reported that, Mr Selasy was found hanging dead on Wednesday, June 26, 2024.

This was after he called his wife to accompany him to ease himself twice on Wednesday dawn.

The deceased

The wife is said to have obliged the first time, however, she declined his request the second time, hence Kadevi left alone but there was no sign of his return after some time.

The anxious wife decided to go and look for him, only to find him dead.

The body has been deposited at the Winneba Trauma and Specialist Hospital Mortuary for autopsy and preservation.

The Police has also commenced investigation to unravel the circumstances leading to his sudden demise.