Nana Yaa Jantuah suggests review of constitution over leaked tape


General Secretary of the Convention People’s Party (CPP), Nana Yaa Jantuah, has proposed that the law which allows the President to appoint the Inspector-General of Police (IGP) and Supreme Court judges should be revised.

According to her, the revision will make the IGP, security services, and Supreme Court Judges independent from political interference.

“We have to review our constitution and make the IGP, the Police, the military very independent of government. Our constitution allows the President to appoint. So we need to review the constitution.

“We have to take action fast so that the IGP, the security sector go through a process of Public Service Commission, they go through a process of applying officially, adverts in the newspapers so that the best person will be chosen.

“The Supreme Court judges should be chosen by a conclave of Supreme Court judges, the senior most, and then they go through parliament. All this political interference in our security services, this is what it is bringing to us,” she said on Accra-based TV3.

Her proposal comes after a leaked tape uncovered a plot involving a high-ranking police officer and a member of the New Patriotic Party to oust the IGP, Dr George Akuffo Dampare in order to facilitate electoral rigging in the upcoming general election.